Latest funding from AIMS Grant Management Software clients

In a world where innovation drives success, securing the right funding is the cornerstone of any ambitious individual or enterprise. For many, these investments serve as a springboard for groundbreaking research, social impact, and innovation. Our AIMS Grant Management Software clients are at the forefront of supporting transformative projects, from medical research to arts and culture. Through their innovative funding programs, they are not only advancing their own goals but also contributing to the greater good, fueling economic growth, and fostering progress in key industries. This article highlights some of our clients’ funding activities where they use AIMS Grant Management Software as a core tool for their funding success.
NWO Talentprogramme Vici ZonMw 2025
ZonMw is a Dutch organization that plays a central role in funding and facilitating health research and innovation in the Netherlands. They support research that improves public health, healthcare systems, and the well-being of citizens. ZonMw have a major focus on translating scientific knowledge into practical applications. Their programme administrators have been using AIMS Grant Management Software to manage their programmes since 2018.
Vici is part of the NWO Talent programme. The Vici target group consists of researchers at the stage of consolidation and further development of their leadership/research group. The goal of the grant, through ZonMw, is to contribute to the researcher’s development in the area of Health Research and Development.
The grant is aimed at senior researchers with academic qualities that clearly exceed what is customary within the international peer group. Established leadership and mentorship skills are also highly regarded in assessment. A broad-based assessment committee of academics is used by ZonMw to advise on the merits and prioritisation of the applications
The maximum grant is €1,500,000
Link for applications:
The Netherlands Film Production Incentive – High-End Series
The Dutch Film Fund (Nederlands Filmfonds) is the national film funding agency in the Netherlands. It provides financial support to filmmakers and the Dutch film industry with the goal of stimulating the production, distribution, and promotion of Dutch films. The fund supports both artistic and commercial films, as well as projects that can contribute to the broader cultural and social impact of the film industry.
The Netherlands Film Production Incentive – High-End Series is a funding program designed to attract and support the production of high-quality, international television series and streaming content in the Netherlands. It is part of the broader Netherlands Film Production Incentive (NFPI), which is managed by the Netherlands Film Fund (Nederlands Filmfonds).
The incentive is specifically targeted at large-scale, high-budget series with a strong potential for international distribution. Productions such as drama series, thrillers, and other genre-based content intended for global audiences are some of the most popular. The goal is to make the Netherlands an attractive destination for international producers while also supporting the Dutch film industry and talent. As of January 1st, 2025, the budget for the Film Production Incentive for high-end series was increased from €7.5m to €9m euros per year.
The maximum grant is €200,000
Link for applications:
AFR (Aides à la Formation Recherche) from Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)
The Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), or The Luxembourg National Research Fund, is the Luxembourg government’s main funding body for research and development activities. It was established to support and promote scientific research in Luxembourg, with the aim of fostering innovation, strengthening the country’s research capabilities, and contributing to the growth of knowledge-based industries.
The AFR scheme is a funding initiative from FNR. It is designed to enhance the country’s research landscape by attracting highly skilled and experienced researchers from around the world to work in Luxembourg. The scheme aims to strengthen the country’s research capabilities, stimulate innovation, and promote international collaboration. They aim to support the recruitment of top-tier researchers across various scientific disciplines. AFR is one of the FNR’s longest-running funding schemes and now provides funding for the training of doctoral candidates only. Grants are awarded in the form of an employment contract with the host institution, rather than in the form of a scholarship.
AFR PhD grants are funded for a maximum of 4 years
Link for applications:
BELSPO Science4Policy Programme (2024-2025)
BELSPO is the federal government body responsible for research policy in Belgium. Their main activity is to desigs and implement research programmes and manage the participation of Belgium in European and international organisations. Through the major research programmes the department manages, BELSPO provides the Belgian government with reliable access to validated data,. This data allows the organisation to make decisions with full knowledge of the facts in areas such as sustainable development, the fight against climate change, biodiversity, energy, health, mobility and the information society.
The Science4Policy Programme is a funding initiative aimed at supporting the use of scientific knowledge in policymaking. It connects scientific research with policy processes. This helps ensure that decision-making at the government level is informed by high-quality, evidence-based research.
The program is part of a broader effort by Belspo to bridge the gap between science and policy. They encourage collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders to address current challenges faced by society and the environment.
We are delighted that BELSPO are one of our newest clients to implement AIMS Grant Management Software and we look forward to continuing to support BELSPO on this exciting journey.
Link for applications:
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